Why sustainability is needed

The climate is changing

The question of whether we humans have warmed the climate system with our way of life and greenhouse gases no longer arises. 721 independent experts from over 90 countries agree on this fact in the IPCC report. For them, there is no doubt about it, because the climate change is already happening worldwide at a rapid pace.


The average temperature has already increased by more than 1°C since the beginning of industrialization. As a result, climate zones are shifting towards the poles.

Weather extremes 

Warming causes more water to evaporate from the ground. This favors droughts and forest fires. Extreme heat in certain regions has become more severe since the 1950s. Torrential rains occur more frequently in some regions.


The world's oceans are warming significantly as they store the remaining energy from the greenhouse effect. As a result, the water in the oceans is becoming more acidic.


The sea ice around the North Pole is shrinking massively. Before 2050, it will be ice-free at least once by the end of summer, just like the glaciers in the mountains.

Sea level

The mean global sea level has already risen by 20 cm and continues to rise rapidly. The reason is the thawing of the ice. A further rise of up to 100 cm is expected by 2100.

We can only preserve our Earth's ecosystem and continue to have important resources, such as clean air and water, a stable atmosphere, as well as a healthy flora and fauna, if we follow a sustainable path.

Europe as the first climate-neutral continent

To limit climate change, net CO2 emissions must fall to at least zero. For this reason, the European Union and all 27 member states want to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. We have committed ourselves to this goal.

We act for society and our planet

Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time. It poses a threat to our planet and to every one of us. However, it also offers us the chance to take a different path, to grasp the opportunities and to be part of the change.

For over 200 years we have seen it as our social responsibility to provide everyone – also those affected by poverty – in our region with access to basic financial products. This commitment is still part of our DNA and fosters prosperity in our region. That is why we, as a European bank are now also doing our part to combat the climate crisis and implement solutions for a livable future.

And yes, we are not at the end of this path and still have a way to go. Still, together with our clients we want to shape this path and the sustainable future of Europe.

For us, sustainability is the ability to act for society and our planet. We aim to operate without depleting natural resources for future generations. As a bank, we also refer to this as ESG, which stands for Environment, Social and Governance.

Further reads

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