Erste Group Bank AG
Online Annual Report 2021
Editorial deadline: 28 February 2022, unless stated otherwise
Stefan Dörfler, CFO Erste Group Bank AG - Press Conference 28.02.2022
“We have a proven business model, attractive footprint in the dynamic economies of Central Europe, and solid capitalization. We are aware of the challenges the latest developments might entail, but are confident that we are very well positioned to meet them. CEE’s strong economic upswing last year helped boost our earnings by supporting solid loan demand growth. Combined with a record level fee income and good cost management, this led to a strong rise in our operating result. As our risk costs in 2021 came in far below the Covid-driven levels of 2020, our bottom line rose sharply.”
Bernd Spalt, CEO Erste Group Bank AG - Press Conference 28.02.2022
“The latest developments regarding Russia's war with Ukraine are a shock to everyone who believes in the European idea of peace, democracy and prosperity. As things currently stand, the conflict will have incalculable consequences for the continent – politically, economically, but above all in humanitarian terms. Erste Group has no direct operating subsidiaries in Russia or Ukraine and our direct exposure to these countries is negligible. However, our geographic proximity and deep ties to the entire region bring with them a humanitarian responsibility. As a bank at the heart of Europe, we will stand by the people in the region with support and assistance.”
Best result in Erste Group’s history
_ Net result of EUR 1,923.4 million
_ Local banks in all core markets are profitable
_ Dividend of EUR 1.6 per share proposed to AGM
Operating result rises significantly by 17.1%
_ Operating revenues increase by 8.2%
_ Net interest income up by 4.2% thanks to loan growth
and interest rate hikes in CEE
_ Fee and commission income up by 16.5%, reaches
record level
_ Operating expenses increase moderately by 2.0%
_ Cost/income ratio improves to 55.6%
Loan growth continues
_ Net loans increase by 8.6% to EUR 180.3 billion
_ Most visible volume growth in Austria and Czech Republic
Solid asset quality
_ NPL ratio improves to 2.4%, the lowest level since the IPO
_ NPL provision coverage at 90.9%
_ Low risk costs of 9 basis points
(on average gross customer loans)
Favourable capitalisation
_ CET1 ratio (CRR final) increases to 14.5%
_ Capital significantly above regulatory requirements and
internal target
Excellent funding and liquidity position
_ Strong retail deposit base in all core countries is key trust
indicator and competitive advantage
_ Loan-to-deposit ratio at 85.6%
_ Issuance of Erste Group’s inaugural
sustainability bond
_ All local banks successfully placed MREL-related
issuances (Hungary in the first quarter 2022)
Extensive presence in Central and Eastern Europe
Management Board
David O‘Mahony, COO
Ingo Bleier, Chief Corporates and Markets Officer
Bernd Spalt, Chairman of the Management Board
Stefan Dörfler, CFO
Alexandra Habeler-Drabek, CRO
Maurizio Poletto, Chief Platform Officer
Supervisory Board
Friedrich Rödler, Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Jan Homan, 1st Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Maximilian Hardegg, 2nd Vice Chairman of the Supervisory
Members of the Supervisory Board:
Henrietta Egerth-Stadlhuber, Marion Khüny,
Elisabeth Krainer Senger-Weiss, Friedrich Santner, Michael Schuster, András Simor, Michèle F. Sutter-Rüdisser
Delegated by the employees’ council:
Barbara Pichler, Andreas Lachs, Karin Zeisel, Jozef Pinter,
Regina Haberhauer
- Operating result up 17.1% to EUR 3.4 bn, reflecting modest cost growth
- Net income reaches EUR 1.92 bn as risk costs fall sharply
- CET1 ratio of 14.5% reflects solid capitalization
- Outlook 2022: Current Ukraine crisis involves incalculable consequences for Europe as a whole
Erste Group posted a 8.2% rise in its operating income to 7.7 billion euros in the 2021 financial year. This strong operating performance reflected higher net interest income on the back of rate hikes in Czechia and Hungary and solid loan volume growth, as well as sharply higher net fee and commission income thanks to the rebound in the region’s economies and markets. The benign risk environment during the past year allowed a steep reduction in risk costs from 1.3 billion euros in 2020 to 159 million euros in 2021. These developments led Erste Group to post a net profit of 1.92 billion euros for the financial year 2021 (2020: 783 million euros, 2019: 1.47 billion euros).
Please refer to the links below for detailed information on business performance and segments.
Capital markets
Most of the global stock markets covered registered double-digit growth in the year ended and were hovering near all-time highs for months. This development was driven by the faster-thanexpected recovery of the economy after the crisis year of 2020 and better-than-expected growth of corporate results. Both companies and economists upgraded their revenues and earnings outlooks and economic growth forecasts. Later in the year, as the economy gathered steam, a significant rise in energy prices caused by strong demand and supply chain disruptions, particularly in semi-conductors and raw materials, significantly pushed up inflation. In the euro zone, inflation was running at 4.9%, more than twice the 2% target set by the European Central Bank (ECB) and the highest rate since records started in 1997. US inflation likewise surged to the highest level seen in decades to 6.8%. Expectations of interest rate increases and an early end to the central banks’ ultra-loose monetary policies rose due to strong inflation. At year-end, the focus of market participants was again on the continuing Covid-19 pandemic fuelled by a new virus variant and potential containment measures as well as on geopolitical issues, including most prominently the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine.
* A comparison after the IPO would not be applicable as Erste Group has been included in this index only since 16 January 1998.
IPO … initial public offering, SPO … secondary public offering
Interactive Chart of Erste Group Share
Performance of less than 12 months has little significance due to its short duration. Information about previous performance does not guarantee future performance. Data 15 minutes delayed. Source: FactSet
Shareholder Structure
Free float: 77.75%
1 Syndicated Savings Banks Foundations, own holdings of Savings Banks, Erste Employees Private Foundation
* Institutional and Retail Investors international
** Including Market Makers, Prime Brokerage, Proprietary Trading, Collateral and Stock Lending positions which are visible through custodian banklists
The shareholder structure may contain rounding differences. The information presented on this website is based on sources that we consider to be reliable. Erste Group does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the text and graphs.
Trends and Outlook
Erste Group’s goal for 2022 is to again achieve a double-digit return on tangible equity (ROTE). Among the factors that will support achievement of this goal is the continued strong economic performance of all core markets – Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia and Serbia – and, on this basis, an improvement in the operating result and a continued benign risk environment. As yet unquantifiable (geo-)political, regulatory or economic risks, or a continuation or further escalation of Covid-19 measures by governments may render meeting these goals more challenging.
Erste Group’s core markets are expected to post real GDP growth in the order of 3-5% in 2022. Inflation is set to remain a key theme throughout the year but at the same time is expected to remain broadly stable at elevated 2021 levels. In line with the strong economic outlook unemployment rates are expected to decline from already low levels in all markets. In most countries, sustained competitiveness should again result in sustainable current account balances. The fiscal situation should likewise improve again after significant budget deficits in 2021. Public debt to GDP is projected to improve across the board, albeit from elevated levels.
Against this backdrop, Erste Group expects net loan growth in the mid-single digits. This performance as well as interest rate tailwinds should lead to an at least mid-single-digit increase in net interest income despite negative policy rates in the euro zone. The second most important income component – net fee and commission income is expected to rise in the low to mid-single digits, following the exceptional performance in 2021. As in 2021, positive momentum should again come from asset management and securities business, assuming a continued constructive capital markets environment. Insurance brokerage as well as payment services fees are also expected to contribute. The net trading and fair value result is expected to come in at a similar level as in the previous year. This, however, will depend substantially on the financial market environment. The remaining income components are forecast to remain, by and large, stable. Overall, operating income should increase in 2022. Operating expenses are expected to rise at a lower level than operating income, thus resulting in a cost income ratio of below 55% in 2022, significantly earlier than planned (2024). In addition, Erste Group will continue to invest in IT in 2022 and thus strengthen its competitive position, with a focus on progressive IT modernisation, back office digitalisation and further development of the digital platform George.
Based on the robust macro outlook described above, risk costs should remain at a low level in 2022. While precise forecasting is hard at current low risk cost levels, Erste Group believes that in 2022 risk costs will be below 20 basis points of average gross customer loans. The NPL ratio is expected below 3.0%.
Other operating result is expected to remain unchanged in the absence of significant one-off effects. Assuming a low effective group tax rate of about 19% and similar minority charges as in 2021, Erste Group aims to achieve a double-digit ROTE. Erste Group’s CET1 ratio is expected to remain strong. Consequently, Erste Group will propose a dividend of EUR 1.6 per share for the 2021 fiscal year to the 2022 AGM.
Potential risks to the guidance include (geo)political and economic (including monetary and fiscal policy impacts) developments, regulatory measures as well as global health risks and changes to the competitive environment. In addition, given the Covid-19 governmental measures and their impact on the economic development, financial forecasts are still subject to an elevated level of uncertainty. The evolving Russia-Ukraine situation does not impact Erste Group directly, as it has no operating presence in those countries; exposures to both countries are negligible and no meaningful additional risk provisioning is currently anticipated in this context. Indirect effects, such as financial market volatility, sanctions-related knock-on effects on some of our customers or the emergence of deposit insurance or resolution cases cannot be ruled out, though. Erste Group is moreover exposed to non-financial and legal risks that may materialise regardless of the economic environment. Worse than expected economic development may put goodwill at risk.
Risk management
A core function of a bank is taking risks in a conscious and selective manner and professionally steering those risks. Adequate risk policy and risk strategy is essential to a bank’s fundamental financial health and operational business success.
Erste Group has developed a risk management framework that is forward-looking and tailored to its business and risk profile. This framework is based on a clear risk strategy that sets out general principles according to which risk taking must be performed across the Group. The risk strategy is consistent with the business strategy and incorporates the expected impact of external environment on the planned business and risk development.
The risk strategy describes the current and targeted risk profile, defines risk management principles, strategic goals and initiatives for the main risk types as well as sets strategic limits for the significant financial and non-financial risk types as defined in the Risk Materiality Assessment. The risk strategy is executed within a clearly defined governance structure. This structure also applies to monitoring of risk appetite, additional metrics, as well as to the escalation of limit breaches.
In 2021, management attention has been dedicated not only to ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, but also to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks as new risk type. ESG has been assessed as material risk in 2021 Group Risk Materiality Assessment (first-time assessment), based on climate-related and environmental risks (‘E’ component), while the assessment of social (‘S’) and governance (‘G’) risks is planned for 2022. In order to mitigate this risk, significant resources in both business and risk area have been dedicated to set-up and implement ESG action plan, which includes the establishment of comprehensive internal framework ranging from business strategy, dedicated governance, over risk management to disclosures.
2021 was a recovery year with old and new challenges. Overall, the economic environment in Austria and CEE developed significantly better than originally forecast. Covid-19 vaccinations, lockdowns and other distancing measures have suppressed the spreading of the virus. While pandemic-induced restrictions were still delaying the recovery of the economy at the beginning of the year, growth forecasts were later raised despite challenges such as the disruptions of international supply chains or the Omicron variant.
The past year was also marked by an increased awareness and consensus that climate change and global warming must be addressed for ecological but also socio-economic reasons. A clear focus was on rethinking the economic growth model and allocating resources to greener, more resource efficient and resilient future economies.
Erste Group considers the transformation necessary and the right thing to do. In 2021, Erste Group joined the Net-Zero Banking alliance and announced its intention to reach climate neutral operations by 2023.
Erste Group further believes that a transition should be executed in a socially fair manner and great deal of attention needs to be paid not only to environmental but also social and governance objectives.
For Erste Group, considering the impact of its entrepreneurial activities on society or the environment is nothing new.
Our country needs people, who believe in a better future. And a bank that shapes it.