Currency calculator
Market overview currencies
Erste Group reference prices
The exchange rates refer to the equivalent of 1 EUR. If you have any questions about settlement rates, please contact your branch of Erste Bank or Sparkasse.
The exchange rates refer to the equivalent of 1 EUR. If you have any questions about settlement rates, please contact your branch of Erste Bank or Sparkasse.
The exchange rates refer to the equivalent of 1 EUR. The rates given are indicative - in the branch, the current rate at the time of purchase or sale will be calculated. Please note that not all foreign currencies listed here can be bought or sold in the branches. Currently, there are no buy orders possible for Danish Krone (DKK), Norwegian Kroner (NOK) and Swedish Krona (SEK). If you have any questions about exchange rates, please contact your branch of Erste Bank or Sparkasse.
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Source: FactSet Financial data and analysis. Provision of financial market analyses and forecasts through Erste Group Research or of gold and precious metal prices through Erste Group Bank AG.