„Paternity leave – a
win-win for everyone“

The #believeinyourself story of Stefan Harderer

Stefan Haderer, Head of HR, recently took a four-month paternity leave, putting Erste Asset Management’s flexibility to the test. During his absence, Romana Hammer stepped into the role of interim manager, embracing the challenge with a lot of #believeinyourself, dedication and commitment. An invaluable experience for both the new father and the young interim manager, which neither of them would miss for anything.

Stefan Haderer has been part of the Erste Asset Management (EAM) family since 2010, leading the Human Resources department for the past eight years. Romana joined the HR team of EAM in 2019.

© Marlena König

What was your #believeinyourself moment?

Stefan: The moment I found out I was going to be a father, I knew I wanted to take paternity leave. I presented my plan to take a four-month leave to bond with my newborn daughter to my manager and offered to be available for some few hours a week if needed. In return, he asked me, “Well, do you want to take paternity leave or not?” I took that as an approval. His reaction really alleviated any concerns I had about stepping away from my professional responsibilities.

Did you have a plan for someone to take over your role during your paternity leave?

Stefan: At that point, no. I thought that my responsibilities could be spread among the team.

But then your colleague Romana Hammer offered to step in...

Romana: Yes. During a feedback meeting, I told Stefan that I would like to take on more leadership responsibilities in the future. And I thought that there should be a central point of contact for HR matters during Stefan’s absence. So I seized the opportunity and suggested that I take on this role on an interim basis. Following that, I took off to Australia for a four-month sabbatical – not knowing what my career would hold upon my return.

Stefan: Romana’s proactive approach and commitment impressed me. After her return, during the re-boarding meeting, I put it straight to her: “You know, I really liked the idea you pitched, and I want you to run with it. Is that alright with you?”

Romana, how did you feel about this proposal after your time in Australia?

Romana: I’m usually not at loss for words, but hearing him say that just knocked my socks off. Fresh from my time in Australia, I was filled with new experiences and accustomed to a lifestyle of freedom and independence. This huge opportunity that had just landed in my lap seemed overwhelming. A whirlwind of thoughts raced through my mind: Will the entire organisation accept me in this role? What about our management team? Can I handle it all on my own, without having to call upon Stefan during his leave, especially since I want to ensure he can fully disconnect?”

What was your #believeinyourself moment?

Stefan: The moment I found out I was going to be a father, I knew I wanted to take paternity leave. I presented my plan to take a four-month leave to bond with my newborn daughter to my manager and offered to be available for some few hours a week if needed. In return, he asked me, “Well, do you want to take paternity leave or not?” I took that as an approval. His reaction really alleviated any concerns I had about stepping away from my professional responsibilities.

Did you have a plan for someone to take over your role during your paternity leave?

Stefan: At that point, no. I thought that my responsibilities could be spread among the team.

But then your colleague Romana Hammer offered to step in...

Romana: Yes. During a feedback meeting, I told Stefan that I would like to take on more leadership responsibilities in the future. And I thought that there should be a central point of contact for HR matters during Stefan’s absence. So I seized the opportunity and suggested that I take on this role on an interim basis. Following that, I took off to Australia for a four-month sabbatical – not knowing what my career would hold upon my return.

Stefan: Romana’s proactive approach and commitment impressed me. After her return, during the re-boarding meeting, I put it straight to her: “You know, I really liked the idea you pitched, and I want you to run with it. Is that alright with you?”

Romana, how did you feel about this proposal after your time in Australia?

Romana: I’m usually not at loss for words, but hearing him say that just knocked my socks off. Fresh from my time in Australia, I was filled with new experiences and accustomed to a lifestyle of freedom and independence. This huge opportunity that had just landed in my lap seemed overwhelming. A whirlwind of thoughts raced through my mind: Will the entire organisation accept me in this role? What about our management team? Can I handle it all on my own, without having to call upon Stefan during his leave, especially since I want to ensure he can fully disconnect?”

© Marlena König

And what decision did you make?

Romana: Deep down, I always knew that I wanted to take on the challenge. I had to get back into the swing of things and reacclimate to my workday environment – pushing the pedal to the metal and soaking up every critical detail during the preparatory sessions with Stefan – in the little time we had left.

How did you prepare Romana for her new role, Stefan?

Stefan: I structured my tasks into work packages and documented them, distinguishing between tasks designated for Romana and those that were to be handled by the management team. I also communicated this very clearly within our organisation. We covered a lot of topics, but I knew I couldn’t prepare Romana for everything. The key was to trust her judgement and give her the autonomy to make decisions. Both Romana and our management team had my personal contact number for situations requiring immediate attention. And then I embarked on an entirely new and exciting chapter in my life.

Romana, how was the experience of being an interim manager?

Romana: It was an intense period, but incredibly rewarding. I gained a new level of respect for management roles. Although there were a lot of unexpected issues, I only needed to call Stefan three times in those four months, when his opinion was absolutely essential. I also consulted an external coach for guidance. My team’s support was phenomenal, and I felt fully accepted in my role by my colleagues. It was an invaluable experience I wouldn’t miss for anything.

And Stefan, how was your paternity leave?

Stefan: It was a wonderful time! Trusting Romana and the team allowed me to fully immerse myself in fatherhood with my daughter, Emilia, during those four months. It was also a refreshing mental break, teaching me to prioritise what truly matters – Emilia’s health and happiness. I was fully immersed in the present, with no distractions or interruptions. I cherish every moment spent with my daughter during paternity leave and would not want to miss this time for the world.

What would the two of you like to pass on to your colleagues?

Romana: Stepping into the role of interim manager was a fantastic opportunity for my personal and professional growth, providing me with a deeper understanding of my capabilities as a leader. I am profoundly grateful for the organisation’s flexibility and for the trust that was placed in me. Now I know that even though I’m only 27, I already have many of the skills needed for a leadership role, and I am very happy in my new role as Business Partner for our EAM subsidiaries in CEE. So, #believeinyourself, take the leap and make it happen!

Stefan: Our experience has shown that a preparation time of just one month for a project like this is a really short runway to get everything right. This critical time frame should ideally be extended, and of course, requires meticulous planning. Our approach in prioritising all ongoing projects, while temporarily sidelining others, proved to be a smart move. The time I spent on paternity leave was incredibly enriching, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to all                                                                                                            fathers!

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