"Lenny enriches
our team"

The #believeinyourself story of Lenny

Lenny loves to cook and he joined the Erste Bank Restaurants (EBR) as an apprentice cook. The first steps weren't easy but now he became an essential part of the cooking team. A lot of #believeinyourself is reflected in this story, but above all mutual respect and consideration. This experience is an enrichment for Lenny and for his team.

In an interview, we asked Lenny and his first caregiver Igor Jurkic about it.

Lenny, how did you think of becoming an apprentice cook?

Lenny: I used to work in an office but it wasn't for me. I wanted to do something new. I like cooking. So I decided to do an internship at the EBR and they took me on as an apprentice cook. 

Igor: Lenny was very skilled in the kitchen and quickly understood what needed to be done. He is a very sociable, likeable colleague. He impressed me so much that I made an effort to get him to do an apprenticeship as a cook 

Lenny, how do you feel in the team now?

Lenny: The beginning of the apprenticeship was difficult for me. I needed time to trust so many new people and then to wake up so early... And everything was too hectic for me, I couldn't concentrate on the processes.
But Igor was always ready to lend me an ear and to help me. He was my confidant. He even arranged for me to join the kitchen team in the lounge, and I feel very comfortable there now!

What dish do you like to cook the most?

Lenny: I love dumplings with mushroom sauce and spaghetti! I'm very good at that! But I'm also very good at meat dishes like schnitzel.

What do you do in your free time?

Lenny: I have four siblings and things get pretty wild at home! So I like to spend time with my grandma and grandpa. We make animations of photos together and edit them into films for family and friends' birthdays! I love doing that with them! During the weekend, I help my mum cooking. I can try out a lot there!

What would you like to pass on from this experience?

Igor: Lenny is absolutely an enrichment for our team! We learn to respect each other, to be considerate and sometimes to slow down. Of course, constructive feedback is also part of it, because we have to pay attention to our quality standards. But Lenny learns and implements the feedback well! 

Lenny: I am glad that I have found my place in the kitchen team now! I've got used to getting up early because I'm happy to see my colleagues every morning!

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