Information according to Securities Supervision Act – MiFID II

MiFID Seller Feedback
If you, as a distributor pursuant to Article 31 Austrian Securities Supervision Act 2018 (WAG 2018), have comments/feedback, e.g. on the target market criteria defined by us, Erste Group Bank AG, in our function as a manufacturer of financial instruments pursuant to Article 30 Austrian Securities Supervision Act 2018 (WAG 2018), or if you would like to inform us of your sales outside the target market defined by us, you can do so in particular via the following e-mail link to our Product Management and Compliance:

Systematic Internaliser Status
Pursuant to §1 Z 28 Securities Supervision Act 2018 (WAG 2018) and §83 Stock Exchange Act 2018 (BörseG 2018) Erste Group Bank AG (LEI: PQOH26KWDF7CG10L6792) acts as a Systematic Internaliser for all Bonds (covering all bond subtypes), as well as for securitized derivatives (own issues) and for specific shares.

The shares in which Erste Group Bank AG acts as Systematic Internaliser and the according published price quotations can be found here.

The publication for bonds in which Erste Group Bank AG acts as Systematic Internalizer is performed via our APA, MarketAxess NL, B.V.

Top 5 Report according to RTS 28

Execution quality reports