
Banka Sparkasse d.d.

Banka Sparkasse d. d., Slovenia strives towards fulfillment of its clients business and financial needs. With the right information and advice for the client, we are always available to discuss any financial issues. Following the principle of "being close to the customer" our operating system enables the advantages of our bank - personal consulting, mobile consultants, high quality banking services, electronic and telephone banking and ensure secure and quickly operational banking.

Banka Sparkasse d. d., Slovenia has overall 56,000 customers and around 1 billion in total assets, which ranks it among medium-sized banks. In our operations we are transferring knowledge and experience of more than 190-year tradition of the Erste Bank and Sparkassen, which has been operating successfully throughout Southeast Europe.
Ownership of Bank Sparkasse d. d., Slovenia: 70% by Kärntner Sparkasse en AG, 26% by Steiermärkische Bank und Sparkassen AG, 4% by Erste Group Bank AG.

Banka Sparkasse d. d. has been a member of Transaction Banking Competence Centre since 2016 supporting regional cross-border operation of its clients.

Useful links for your business:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Economy

Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments

Bank of Slovenia

Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Erste Group research – Market Intelligence

Please contact

Sandra Ristić
Cesta v Klece 15, 1000 Ljubljana
+386 1 5832 235

Daniela Kralj
Cesta v Klece 15, 1000 Ljubljana
+386 1 5832 230

For banking assistance outside the geographical location of Erste Group please contact the Customer Referral Desk.