Whistleblowing "Erste Integrity Line”

Erste Group's Management Board has implemented a program ("Erste Integrity" - Erste Group's Whistleblowing Program) that enables its employees or any other natural person with a current or former vocational relationship to Erste Group - while maintaining the confidentiality of their identity -  to report certain internal company violations to an appropriate body (section 99g Austrian Banking Act, Austrian “Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz” (HSchG) and Whistleblower Protection Directive (EU) 2019/1937).

The core of the program includes the "Erste Integrity" Internal Reporting Office, to which the above mentioned persons can report suspicious cases or simply ask questions regarding possible misdemeanors.

Since damage can be significantly reduced if it is reported promptly, this office offers the opportunity to submit information confidentially or even anonymously - in the event of suspicion of the following offenses or misconduct:

  • Financial Crime
  • Consumer Protection and Safetyness
  • Bribery and Corruption
  • Security, Data Protection and Privacy
  • Environmental Issues
  • Regulatory Compliance                                                

The main framework conditions for the internal reporting office or potential whistleblowers are:

  • Anonymity / confidentiality
  • Protection of the persons involved
  • "Bona Fidae" rule and protection against false accusations

The following independent information channels for confidential and discreet reporting of relevant suspicious cases are available to our employees and other natural person with a current or former vocational relationship:

Erste Integrity Line, an externally hosted platform: https://erste.integrityplatform.org

Postal mail:
Erste Group Bank AG
OE 0196 0985 Non Financial Risk Management
Attn: Whistleblowing Office
Am Belvedere 1
A-1100 Vienna

Telephone: +43 681 20750821

Of course, an employee of the Whistleblowing Office is also available for a personal meeting - simply use one of the contacts listed above and arrange an appointment.

Details can also be found at https://erste.integrityplatform.org.

Regardless of this, we still ask customers to direct any complaints to the ombudsman's office