For a world
without violence
against women

One in three women affected by violence

In Austria, one in three women is still denied a basic human right: a life free from violence. This violence can take very different forms and ranges from psychological, sexual or physical abuse to murder. Austria is one of the sad leaders in the EU in terms of the number of femicides, i.e. deliberate murders of women because of their gender.

Women affected by violence do not fit into any mould. They come from all social classes, have different levels of education and diverse cultural backgrounds. Putting an end to violence is therefore the responsibility of society as a whole.  

Physical violence* 

23 %

Women in Austria** 

* (from age 15 onwards)

** (between the ages of 18 and 74)

Source: Statistik Austria 2021

Sexual violence*

24 %

Women in Austria**

* (from age 15 onwards)

** (between the ages of 18 and 74)

Source: Statistik Austria 2021

Sexual harassment in the workplace

27 %

Women in Austria*

* (aged between 18 and 74) who are or have been employed

Source: Statistik Austria 2021

Partner of UN Woman Austria

In order to draw attention to the dramatic situation of women affected by violence, Erste Group is supporting Orange the World, a 16-day initiative organised by UN Women to highlight violence against women, for the fourth time in a row as the main partner.  Selected savings banks and subsidiary banks in the CEE region are also taking a stand against violence against women.

We are making our support for the Orange the World initiative visible by hoisting orange flags and wrapping the entrance to the Erste Campus in a rich orange colour. The colour symbolises hope for a future free of violence.  

But we also draw attention to the alarming extent of violence against women through self-protection or awareness training for employees, fundraising campaigns for women's shelters, art installations, etc.

Living free from violence is (not) a privilege

In a social experiment, our employees asked themselves how their gender or gender identity influences their exposure to violence. Is a life free from violence really a universal human right or a privilege afforded to some and not to others? 

Help for victims of violence

  • The Frauenhelpline (women's helpline) helps women affected by violence. (Mon-Sun, 0-24 hrs, free of charge): 0800 / 222 555 
  • In case of acute violence: Police 133 or EU emergency number 112
  • Männerinfo supports men and their relatives in crises. (Mon-Sun, 0-24 hrs, free of charge): 0800 / 400 777
  • The Telefonseelsorge (telephone counselling service) offers professional counselling on the phone (Mon-Sun, 0-24 hrs, free of charge): 142

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